Souls are the invisible owners of human bodies, and are resident in the brains. The qualities of soul substance are intelligence/knowledge, awareness/consciousness and harmony/bliss. The darkside are also invisible, are resident in bodies ,but own those bodies in very rare cases i.e. they are possessing entities or invaders, with the goal of dominating the functions and behavior of the body. While the soul has an internal life, the darkside is focused entirely on the outside world.
The darkside has the opposite qualities to the soul i.e. cunning instead of intelligence, obeying programming instead of awareness, and negative self-esteem and disharmony, instead of harmony. There are other contrasts between soul and darkside substances: souls have understanding and compassion while the darkside is fueled by predatory instincts such as greed, anger, jealousy, desires etc. The darkside's substance is gross/heavy/dense as compared to lightness or subtleness of the soul. It is the darkside which controls the vast majority of bodies on earth now.
Soulbuilding is what spirituality is all about. Souls that don't build, like most of mankind now, are doomed to enslavement to the darkside, within, and in the society. Souls must seize control by fighting back against the darkside. Soulbuilding is always accompanied by darkside disintegration. Darkside building is always accompanied by soul slumber.
Souls are not predatory and have largely missed the fact that there is a war going on within: for the control of its consciousness, for the body's behavior in the external world and for the territory of the body. Mostly, souls' bodies were possessed in infancy by the darkside, courtesy the occult elites, and the darksides in societies everywhere. The latent soul got no help to awaken and establish itself because religion, tradition, society and the system, all nurtured the dark side. Now, how do you tell an asleep soul that it's body is possessed when the ruling darkside, within, will assert that it is a lie, and that you are crazy?
Darksides will do everything to prevent souls from building because that process results in a reduction of themselves. All the darkside does is to build iself. It is a 'doing' organism which likes to 'play' itself. The soul is a 'being' organism which uses its body for necessary action. Since darksides within won't give ground willingly, that ground must be taken by overwhelming force. The body is homeground for the darkside because conditions, in there, favor it. Discover what those conditions are, change them , and the darkside weakens. It is a fallacy that no darkside can occupy the body of someone who prays to God regularly, and is religious. Often, it is the darkside doing the praying while displaying piousness, faith and tremendous emotion.
This building of the soul begins with its recognition of the truth. The soul can experience its suppression. It can experience the use of its body by the darkside. In doing this, souls have to lay down the law: whatever actions that the body is going to do, must be first decided consciously by the soul itself. These decisions will be guided by reason and logic, not by any sensation, thirst, feeling or urge experienced in the body. If this is rigorously adhered to, the darkside will oppose all self-made decisions, and assert its own usual modus operandi. Thus it is that the darkside makes its presence known, and the war begins as the soul frees its consciousness, and reclaims its body.
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